
Administrative schtuff

Today I did just a handful of administrative schtuff. Truly I should have been working on interviewing other folks but that’s not where my head was at. One of my goals was to put calendar pages on the wall to give me a sense of urgency about my business (i.e. how much time and savings remain) and Getting Things Done (cool book, by the way).

On my wall all ghetto-like with tape.  Each page is 8.5"x11".

On my wall all ghetto-like with tape. Each page is 8.5″x11″.

I was blown away today re-calculating all of my savings — they might last longer than I originally calculated. Without ANY surprises or special expenditures or investments, I can last until August 2014. Hence the final calendar page indicated on my wall. I have a sneaking suspicion however that I will require some of that cash for equipment and/or software and/or travel and/or hiring other folks. Note wee tick today Jan 16 as I “begin” again in a way.